We need your help

We need your help



Christians For Independence has never stopped campaigning for Independence –  see the News and Past Events pages.  But now a second Independence referendum in the near future has become a strong possibility, so we are redoubling our efforts to show fellow-Christians that a vote for Independence is the best way to achieve a fair and compassionate society in Scotland.

We set up a working group to find the theological arguments to persuade people that Scottish Independence is much more compatible with Christian belief than remaining under Westminster rule –  here we have to combat some strongly held prejudices and assumptions. Our aim was to produce a publication that could be used nationwide to appeal to Christians of all denominations.  As a result, we have produced a booklet, Scotland the Nation  –  a Christian Case for Independence, which was published in November 2020 and has been circulated to almost 5000 Scottish clergy and other leading church members.

We will also be holding meetings and talks, online but also real, if covid restrictions allow, to give people an opportunity to discuss all aspects of the Independence debate from a Christian viewpoint.

We are working also on finding a way to safeguard Christianity in the Constitution which an independent Scotland will have.

And of course we will continue to interact with the public via social media, bringing our Facebook and Twitter followers relevant news items.

To do all this we need funds.

We are grateful for the donations which we receive from some of our memebrs and from others, and we are particularly grateful to the Scottish Independence Foundation for their grant towards the cost of producing and distributing our Scotland the Nation booklet, but we still have to find much of the money ourselves.

We will have other expenses as we campaign for the Independence Referendum which is likely to be held within the next year or two. If restrictions due to the pandemic are eased sufficiently, we will again have costs for the hire of venues for meetings and events, and also for printing campaign materials, and we have the ongoing cost of employing our part-time Co-ordinator, who carries out our secretarial and much of our publicity work and is necessary to ensure the cohesive approach needed for our success.

 Please consider whether you can help us, either with a single donation or a monthly contribution, and if so, please make a donation –  click the Donate button.

If you prefer to donate directly to our bank account, you can do so: Bank of Scotland, sort code 80-22-60, account name Christians For Independence, account number 10893766.