SIC update April 2019

SIC Update April 2019

The Scottish Independence Convention published this report on its work to date in April 2019:

As a wide ranging Coalition of Independence supporting organisations and individuals we have been very active, laying the Foundations on which we will build our campaign to lift Indy support to 60% or more.

Over the past three years, since the SIC was reformed in 2016, we have held many meetings of the Council of SIC and our sub-groups and organised two “Build” conferences to involve the grass-roots and help develop our planning and strategy as we move towards the next Independence referendum.

We have also been busy developing research work on Independence with Heriot Watt University, attending local Yes groups to encourage the formation of Regional Yes/Indy Groups, who have since joined us as voting members, and generally promoting independence.

Since January 2018 we have concentrated on developing the best way to promote the independence message and have forged ahead with the creation of a dedicated campaign organisation. This has been made possible by the generous donations from independence supporters across Scotland, and beyond.

All of this has been achieved  by volunteers who have many other commitments. For the avoidance of doubt, all of the money raised from our Fundraiser last autumn (£105K) is going towards development of our independence campaign with no payment being made to any of our SIC Council or Executive Committee members or Company Board members.

We are now ready to formally launch your new dedicated campaign organisation – thank you to everyone who made this possible. “Tune in to the formal launch on Thursday 25th April to find out more!”

Timeline from 2018 to get here:-

January to May 2018 – Extensive ground work by sub groups, and wide ranging debate in the Council of SIC, leading to agreement amongst our 20 plus member organisations on the concept of an arms-length Limited Company as our Campaigning and Fundraising arm.

June 2018Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreed. Provides a “Way of Working” for our wide ranging Coalition of Sectoral, Regional and Individual Members. Set up an Executive to expedite business.

August 2018 – Agreed in Principle to set up the arms-length Campaigning and Fundraising Company and to launch a Fundraiser to finance it. Corporate Lawyer taken on. Tenders sought for branding, messaging etc.

September 2018 – Election of first Executive. Appointed top design company Tangent who were behind the “People Make Glasgow” promotion to develop our campaigning identity and branding.

October 2018 – Launch of first phase of Fundraiser Raised £105K in a month.

November 2018 – Agreed formally to set up the Ltd Company with unpaid Directors as our     Campaigning and Fundraising arm. Five Directors from SIC (Our three Office bearers plus two directly elected) and a further four with special skills co-opted by the Board. Agreed to appoint a Coordinator to head up a staff of five.

December 2018Advertised Coordinator post in the National, the Scots Independent and on social media. Election of two additional SIC Directors. Agreed company articles with the sole member of the company being the SIC.

January 2019 – New arms-length company incorporated as Scottish Independence Convention Ltd and Board met for first time. Advertised for four additional Directors in the National, the Scots Independent and on social media. Appointed successful candidate as Coordinator. Agreed official launch of new company for 25 April 2019.

 February 2019 – Second Board meeting with Coordinator (Elect) attending. Agreed new campaigning name and branding of Ltd company, to be revealed at launch in April. Agreed set up of Advisory committee for Board. Selected and appointed four additional co-opted Directors. Full Board: Elaine C Smith, David Thompson, Rosemary Hunter, Aamer Anwar, Maggie Chapman, Tony McCandless, Audrey Birt, Adam Ramsay and Linda Somerville.

March 2019 – Finalised arrangements for official launch of new Campaigning and Fundraising Company.

 April 2019 – Coordinator formally starts and new company launches Indy campaign and second phase of fundraising.

The not too distant future – Independence for Scotland!