AGM 2020

AGM 2020

Our 2020 AGM was held as a Zoom meeting on 24th. June 2020.

Topics covered in the reports by various office-bearers included:

the impact of the coronavirus crisis, leading to CFI, like many other organisations, holding meetings online and to the cancellation of the SNP spring conference and of Independence marches which CFI would have taken part in;

news from the Scottish Independence Convention (SIC), of which CFI is a member;

work on our booklet, Scotland the Nation, a Christian Case for Independence, which was published in November 2020;

our engagement with the public through social media.

The following were elected / re-elected :

Convener:                Dave Thompson

Vice-convener:       Alison Campbell

Treasurer:               Gareth Morgan

Committee members:    Edward Andrews, Andy Doig, Ken Gordon, Veronica Thompson.

Marjorie Wilson continues as Co-ordinator.