Fringe event at SNP conference, Aberdeen, October 2019
At the SNP autumn conference in Aberdeen in October 2019, we held a fringe event jointly with Tearfund Scotland. Tearfund is a Christian international relief and development organisation which works with local churches to try to end poverty all over the world.
Our event was entitled A Rubbish Event, and dealt with the problem of the disposal of waste, particularly plastic, which is threatening to overwhelm the world. CFI Convener Dave Thompson spoke on Endangered Creation, and explored the reasons why we are called to take care of our planet and what we should be doing.
Tearfund Scotland Advocacy and Campaigns Manager Dr. Hazel MacIver then spoke on Plastic Pollution and what we can do about it, with particular reference to her organization’s campaign targeting multinational companies which introduce cheap single-use plastics into developing countries which have no adequate waste disposal systems or recycling facilities.

Speakers Dave Thompson and Dr. Hazel MacIver

Some of the large audience

Dave’s talk

Hazel’s talk
The event was very well attended and a lively discussion followed of what we can do to avoid using plastic whenever possible.
The event was chaired by CFI Vice-Convener Alison Campbell.